Why Looking Back Can Help You Move Forward: The Benefits of Reflection

Gene Crawford
3 min readJul 25, 2023


As humans, we are wired to think about the future and plan for what’s next. This can be a great thing, as it helps us set goals and strive for success. However, sometimes this focus on the future can cause us to overlook what we have already accomplished. In this article, we’ll explore why it’s important to look back at what we’ve achieved and when it’s best to keep pushing ahead.

The Importance of Reflection

Looking back at what we’ve accomplished is not just about patting ourselves on the back. It’s also an opportunity to learn from our past successes and mistakes. When we reflect on what we’ve achieved, we can identify what worked well and what didn’t. This can help us make better decisions in the future and avoid making the same mistakes twice.

Reflection can also give us a sense of perspective. When we’re in the midst of pursuing a goal, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day details and lose sight of the big picture. Taking a step back and reflecting on what we’ve accomplished can help us see how far we’ve come and remind us of the progress we’ve made.

When to Look Back

So, when is it a good time to look back at what we’ve accomplished? One key moment is when we’ve achieved a significant milestone or completed a major project. It’s important to take the time to celebrate these accomplishments and acknowledge the hard work that went into achieving them.

Looking back can also be helpful when we’re feeling stuck or unsure of what to do next. When we reflect on our past successes, we can gain a sense of confidence and clarity about what we’re capable of. This can help us push through difficult times and keep moving forward.

The Dangers of Dwelling on the Past

While looking back can be helpful, it’s important to avoid getting stuck in the past. Dwelling on past mistakes or failures can be detrimental to our mental health and hold us back from achieving future success.

One way to avoid getting stuck in the past is to focus on what we can learn from our experiences, rather than beating ourselves up over what went wrong. It’s also important to remember that we can’t change the past, but we can control how we respond to it.

The Power of Forward Motion

While reflection can be helpful, it’s important to not get too caught up in the past and instead focus on moving forward. Setting new goals and working towards them can give us a sense of purpose and direction.

It’s also important to remember that success is not a destination, but a journey. Even when we achieve our goals, there will always be new challenges to face and new opportunities to pursue. By keeping our focus on the future, we can stay motivated and continue to grow and improve.

Looking back at what we’ve achieved can be a valuable tool for learning, gaining perspective, and finding motivation. However, it’s important to avoid getting stuck in the past and instead keep our focus on the future. By finding a balance between reflection and forward motion, we can achieve success while also enjoying the journey along the way.

Remember to take time to celebrate your accomplishments, learn from your mistakes, and keep pushing ahead towards your goals. With the right mindset and approach, anything is possible.



Gene Crawford

Sensei, Blackbelt in Karate, CrossFit, BJJ Practitioner. Gym Owner at Warrior Fitness. Co-founder of SOCO & Period Three a web design firm.